The Books and Articles of Nicholas Berdyaev
The new authorized version of the former Berdyaev Online Bibliotek Library by the late Fr. Stephen Janos
A Bibliography of English translations of works by Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874–1948) Никола́й Алекса́ндрович Бердя́ев (1874–1948).
A bibliography compiled by Brian McKinlay in memory of Archpriest Stephan Janos, 1947–2021.
Berdiaev Bibliographie by Tamara Klepinine
The 1978 IMKA Press "Berdiaev Bibliographie" by Tamara Klepinine lists a total of 483 books and articles by Berdyaev, not including those "sans signature" or under a pseudonym. A significant portion of this corpus or works remains difficult to find, even in Russian, and remains untranslated into English, hence the ongoing work of FrSJ Publications.
Online Index of Works by Berdyaev (Fr. Stephen J. Janos)
An index of over 350 items on various aspects of Russian Religious Philosophy in English, Russian and German.
The Berdyaev English Works Bibliography [Kelder, Janos]
The 1998 Revised Version provides a chronological listing to Berdyaev's works, translated into English: this includes both Books and Journal Articles written "by" Berdyaev, and the primary Books written "about" Berdyaev in English.
Bibliographie of Berdyaev's Russian Writings [in Russian) [Krotov]
The Russian-language Николай Бердяев Библиография (Я. Кротов) (in English, the Bibliographie of Berdyaev's Russian Writings) includes Online E-text transcriptions by our esteemed Moscow colleague, Yakov Krotov, who also is in process of putting online the Berdyaev-edited Paris Russian Religio-Philosophic Journal Put' (Путь). Vide also his Krotov Bibliotek Webpage, in Russian, English and Italian, with additional materials on Berdyaev, Fr. A. Men', and much else.